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Book covers, book design

The new books designed by Dmitry Ivashintsov

​Three covers for digital publications on the study of the peoples of Altai in the first decades of the 20th century. 2024.

Altai studies
Anokhin's research

​Dmitry Ivashintsov. "Awakenings. The artist's own book of poems. 2023.


Saint Petersburg: "NP-Print", ISBN 978-5-6049337-3-2


​E-book covers, 2023.

Ivan Matveev. "Keeper of the dynasty's history. The life and times of Prince Nikolai Romanov".

Sergey Gontsov. "Second navigation". Poetry book.

Alexandra Yakovleva, Lilia Tsibizova. "The seventh cat". Fantasy book.

"The last witness. Events in Yekaterinburg and Alapaevsk in the memoirs of Princess Elena of Serbia". Memoirs.

Ivan Matveev
Sergey Gontsov
Alexandra Yakovleva, Lilia Tsibizova
The last witness

​"Okhapkin's Readings". Almanac issue 4, 2023.


The almanac is on the heritage of Oleg Okhapkin (1944–2008). Okhapkin was the famous St. Petersburg poet and a prominent figure in the Leningrad cultural underground of the 1960s-1980s.

Saint Petersburg.


​Two E-book covers, 2022.

Vladimir Shali. "History of the divided garden. 14th list of the impossible God".

Prose of the Petersburg poet.

Olga Demidova, Elena Potekhina. "Gender models in culture, or about the philosophy of male and female".



Alexey Griakalov. "​The Lone Guard", One hundred poems. 2021

Poetry book.

E-book cover.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture".

Lone Guard

Alexey Malinov. "​K.N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. Sketch of theoretical-historical and philosophical views Sketch of theoretical-historical and philosophical views". 2021

Study on the Russian historian of the 19th century.

E-book cover.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture".


​Two e-books.

Galina Shimbor. "Candlemas". 2021

A book of reasoning

Olga Demidova, Stefania Dunaeva, Polina Churakova. "Cultural belt of the city of Peter the Great". 2021

A book on towns around St. Petersburg.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture".

Book cover
Book cover

​Feodor Kozyrev. "On the physical theory of Time by Nikolai Kozyrev". 2021

E-book cover.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture".

Kozyrev Theory of Time | book cover

​"Okhapkin's Readings". Almanac issue 3, 2021.

Together with Ksenia Okhapkina.

The almanac is on the heritage of Oleg Okhapkin (1944–2008). Okhapkin was the famous St. Petersburg poet and a prominent figure in the Leningrad cultural underground of the 1960s-1980s.

Saint Petersburg. ISSN 2587-9650

Okhapkin readings

​Baiara Arutiunova-Manusevich. "Articles on literature and language", 2019.

Collection of semiotic, linguistic, and philological studies. Hardcover.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture". ISBN 978-5-905618-16-1

Baiara Arutiunova

​Tatiana Goricheva. "It's dangerous to talk about God", 2019.

Moscow: "Ecologos". ISBN 978-5-87532-129-0

Tatiana Goricheva. "Those who speak 'Yes'", 2020.

Moscow: "Ecologos". ISBN 978-5-87532-131-3

Tatiana Goricheva. "The Desert grows", 2023.

Moscow: "Ecologos".

Tatiana Goricheva (Saint-Petersburg – Paris) is a philosopher, Christian feminist, former Soviet dissident, and well-known animal rights activist.

Book cover
Book cover

​Dmitry A. Ivashintsov. "Flowers of Loneliness", 2019.

Saint-Petersburg: "Rostok". ISBN 978-5-94668-292-3.

Dmitry A. Ivashintsov. "Silence", 2020.


Poetry books of artist's father.

Flowers of Loneliness

​"Centenary of the Great Turmoil", group art exhibition, 2019.

Cover for the art album. Painting by Gleb Bogomolov.

Saint-Petersburg: "NP-Print". ISBN 978-5-6043956-0-8

100 years

​Mikhail Sopin "One Hundred Poems", 2019.

Cover for the poetry book. Compiled and edited by Tatiana Kovalkova.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture". ISBN 978-5-905618-09-3

Mikhail Sopin. Poetry
Poetry book cover

​Alexey Griakalov. "Dressed in the Light", 2018.

Hardcover for the poetry book of the St. Petersburg philosopher and poet. Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture".
ISBN 978-5-905618-11-6

Alexey Griakalov
Alexey Griakalov

​Galina Shimbor. "Fontanar", 2018.

The book of memoir prose about family history, life in Soviet Georgia, the Stalinist repression, and the work of Soviet specialists in Cuba.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture". ISBN 978-5-905618-12-3

Galina Shimbor
Galina Shimbor. Fontanar

​Melvar Melkumyan. "The Substantiation of Morphonosemics. Language as opposed to Speech.", 2018.

The book on linguistics.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture". ISBN 978-5-905618-04-4

Melvar Melkumyan
Melvar Melkumyan

"City of St. Peter or the Angels of Petersburg", 2018.

Collection of poetry and prose of St. Petersburg authors. Saint-Petersburg: "Academy of Cultural Studies", 2018.
ISBN 978-5-9905898-7-2.
Cover, frontispiece, and the spreads with photo illustrations.

"The Angels of Petersburg"
Angels of St. Petersburg
Angels of St. Petersburg
Angels of St. Petersburg

Cyril Pomerantsev. "Justification of Defeat.", 2018.

C. Pomerantsev (1906, Moscow – 1991, Paris). Poet, journalist, prose writer, publicist, and memoirist. French Resistance fighter and a long-time author and editor of the Parisian newspaper "Russian thought."

It is the completest edition of Pomerantsev's works. The book includes the full body of his poems, memories "Through Death" and much more. The cover uses a fragment from Yuriy Annenkov's illustrations to Pomerantsev's "Italian negatives" — essays on a motorcycle trip through Italy in 1958 with lyrical and non-lyrical digressions.

Compiler Alexander Radashkevich. The hardcover book has 640 pages plus 44 pages of color illustrations.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture", ISBN 978-5-905618-11-6

Book by Pomerantsev
Cyril Pomerantsev
Cyril Pomerantsev
Cyril Pomerantsev
Cyril Pomerantsev

​Efim Rezvan. "The Magi had arrived.", 2017.

Exhibition catalog (St. Petersburg Museum for the History of Religion. December 2017 – January 2018).

The exhibition was organized by the State Museum for the History of Religion, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the International Centre of Islamic Research.

Saint-Petersburg: "First Artistic Association". ISBN 978-5-88431-343-9

The Magi
The Magi
The Magi

​Baiara Arutiunova. "The Life in Letters. Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya and her correspondents.", 2017.

Letters from Tsar Alexander I, composer Mikhail Glinka, author Ivan Turgenev, and other Russian, French, and Italian artists, writers, and politicians of the 19th century. The book is based on the archival papers of the Houghton Library at Harvard University. The hardcover book has 272 pages plus 80 pages of color illustrations.

Saint-Petersburg: "The Russian Culture". ISBN 978-5-905618-16-1

"The Life in Letters..."
"The Life in Letters..."
"The Life in Letters..."
"The Life in Letters..."

Selected book covers

O. Demidova. Exile

Olga Demidova. Exile as a Message: Aesthesis and Ethos of Russian Emigration. 2015

Boris Biorkelund. Memoirs

Boris Biorkelund. The Journey to the Land of All Possible Impossibilities. 2014. Memoirs

Serge Obolensky. Joan

Serge Obolensky. Joan the God's Maiden. 2013. Historical research. With the biography of the author and illustrations


Triolet. Poems about the music. 2011


Sergey Mankov. A book on genealogy. 2011

Baltic Sky

Under the Baltic skies. The poetry collection. 2015

A. Zernin. The Naval Cadets

Alexander Zernin. The Naval Cadets. 2011. Autobiographical novel

Edgar Morin. The Earth

Edgar Morin. Terre-Patrie (Earth-Fatherland). 2013

Serge Samarin. Abolition

Serge Samarin. L'Abolition (The Abolition). 2012

A. Stelnov. The Invisible

The poetry book. Andrey Stelnov. Tne Invisible Side. 2010

Daniil Granin. Miscellany

Daniil Granin. The Secret Sence. 2009

Samuel Dudin. Kunstkamera

Efim Rezvan. Samuel Dudin — Photographer, Artist, Ethnographer. Peter the Great Kunstkamera (Anthropology Museum), 2010. The materials of the expeditions.

A. Ivashintsova. Poetry book

The poetry book. Alla Ivashintsova, "In These Snows". 2005

Von Raupach. Memoirs

R. von Raupach. Facies Hippocratica (Face of the Dying). Memoirs of a member of the Extraordinary Investigation Comission of 1917. 2007

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The Correspondence with V. Yastrebtsev and V. Belsky. 2004

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